What are the Benefits of Leasing a Copier, Printer or MFP for Businesses in Colorado Springs?

In your daily operations as a business, office equipment is essential for various reasons.

First and foremost, office equipment helps facilitate efficient communication, both internally and externally. Copiers, printers, and scanners allow you to create and distribute documents, contracts, and marketing materials. Without these tools, your ability to share information and collaborate effectively would be severely limited. Additionally, office equipment streamlines administrative tasks, saving you time and effort. A reliable computer and printer combo enables you to generate invoices, process payroll, and handle other paperwork efficiently.

In a competitive business world, having the right office equipment not only boosts productivity but also enhances your professional image, demonstrating your commitment to quality and efficiency to clients and partners. So, investing in office equipment is not just a necessity; it’s a strategic move that supports your growth and success.

What are the benefits of leasing a business device?

Leasing a copier, printer, or multifunction device (MFP) for your business in Colorado Springs can offer several advantages tailored to your specific needs:

  1. Cost Efficiency: Leasing allows you to avoid the upfront capital expenditure of purchasing equipment. Instead, you can spread the cost over regular monthly payments, making it easier to budget for your printing needs. This ensures your business, especially in uncertain economic times, has the ability to improve cash flow and regulate outgoing costs.

  2. Up-to-Date Technology: Copier and printer technology is constantly evolving. Leasing ensures you have access to the latest models and features, helping your business stay competitive and efficient.  Copier manufacturers typically update their equipment every three to four years, with the frequency of updates varying based on several factors. These factors include technological advancements, market demand, competitive pressures, and the specific features and capabilities being targeted. These updates may involve introducing new models or enhancing existing ones to incorporate the latest technologies and meet evolving customer needs. The exact timing of updates can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and may depend on the specific product lines within their portfolio. At ABT, we work with the best manufacturers on the planet, who focus on streamlining operations, security, and enhanced document management solutions.

  3. Maintenance and Support: Many lease agreements include maintenance and technical support. This means you won’t have to worry about repair costs or downtime due to equipment issues. Quick responses to technical problems are crucial to keeping your business running smoothly.

  4. Tax Benefits: In some cases, leasing can be more tax-efficient than buying. You might be able to deduct lease payments as a business expense, potentially reducing your tax liability.  For example, Section 179 of the tax code can be quite beneficial for you as a business owner when it comes to office equipment. Essentially, it allows you to deduct the full cost of qualifying office equipment purchases, like copiers or printers, in the year you buy them, rather than depreciating the expense over several years. This deduction is designed to encourage businesses to invest in equipment and stimulate economic growth. However, there are limits to the deduction, and not all equipment may qualify, so it’s essential to consult with a tax professional to ensure you meet the criteria and can take advantage of potential tax savings when investing in office equipment.

  5. Flexible Terms: Lease agreements can be tailored to your business’s specific requirements. You can choose the lease duration, upgrade options, and even add or remove equipment as your needs change.

  6. Preserve Capital: Leasing allows you to preserve your capital for other critical business investments. You can allocate your resources to areas that directly contribute to your core operations.

  7. Scalability: As your business in Colorado Springs grows, your printing needs may change. Leasing makes it easier to upgrade or downsize your equipment to match your evolving requirements.

  8. Predictable Costs: Monthly lease payments are predictable, which can simplify your budgeting process. You won’t be caught off guard by unexpected repair or maintenance expenses.

  9. Environmentally Friendly Options: Some leasing companies offer eco-friendly equipment, helping you reduce your environmental footprint by using energy-efficient devices and recycling old equipment responsibly.

  10. Competitive Advantage: Access to high-quality printing and scanning equipment can improve your productivity and the quality of your printed materials, giving you a competitive edge in the Colorado Springs business landscape.

Leasing a copier, printer, or MFP in Colorado Springs provides financial flexibility, access to cutting-edge technology, and peace of mind knowing that your equipment will be well-maintained, all of which can positively impact your business operations.


But how do you choose the best devices for your business?

When selecting a new copier, printer, or multifunction device (MFP) for your business, start by carefully assessing your specific needs. Consider factors like your expected volume of printing, the types of documents you produce, and whether color printing is necessary.

Then, think about additional features such as scanning capabilities, double-sided printing, and wireless connectivity, aligning them with your workflow requirements. It’s crucial to set a budget and explore leasing options if necessary, keeping in mind the total cost of ownership, including maintenance and supplies.

Next, research reputable brands and read reviews to identify models known for reliability and customer support. Finally, engage with a trusted vendor who can provide personalized recommendations based on your business’s unique requirements and offer ongoing maintenance and support.


How do you find a reputable office technology vendor?

Finding a reputable local copier and printer dealership or vendor for your business is a crucial decision. A dependable vendor can ensure you get the right equipment, reliable service, and ongoing support. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to identify the most reputable local copier and printer dealership.

Define Your Needs: Begin by defining your specific copier and printer needs. Consider factors like the volume of printing and copying, the type of documents you produce, and any special features or capabilities required, such as color printing, scanning, or wireless connectivity. Having a clear understanding of your requirements will help you in your search for the right vendor.

Seek Recommendations: Start by asking for recommendations from fellow business owners, colleagues, or industry peers who have experience dealing with local copier and printer vendors. Their insights and experiences can be invaluable in identifying reputable options.

Online Research: Utilize online resources such as search engines and review websites to research local copier and printer vendors in your area. Look for vendors with a strong online presence, positive customer reviews, and a professional website. This initial research can help you create a list of potential vendors to consider.

Check Credentials: Verify the credentials and certifications of the vendors on your list. Reputable vendors often have partnerships or certifications with leading copier and printer manufacturers, indicating their commitment to quality and expertise in the field.

Visit Their Location: If possible, visit the physical location of the vendors you are considering. This will give you a sense of their professionalism and the range of equipment and services they offer. It’s also an opportunity to meet with their staff and discuss your specific needs in person.

Request References: Don’t hesitate to ask the vendor for references from their existing clients. Contact these references to inquire about their experiences with the vendor, including the quality of equipment, service responsiveness, and overall satisfaction.

Evaluate Equipment Options: Assess the range of copiers and printers offered by the vendor. Ensure they carry reputable brands and models that meet your needs. Consider factors like printing speed, capacity, and additional features to make an informed decision.

Service and Maintenance: Inquire about the vendor’s service and maintenance offerings. A reputable vendor should provide prompt and reliable service, including routine maintenance and repairs. Ask about response times and whether they offer preventive maintenance contracts.

Pricing and Terms: Request detailed quotes from multiple vendors, including the cost of equipment, maintenance agreements, and any additional fees. Compare these quotes to ensure you are getting a fair deal. Pay attention to the terms and conditions, including warranty coverage and lease agreements.

Customer Support: Assess the level of customer support and responsiveness provided by the vendor. You’ll want a vendor who is accessible and can address your concerns or issues promptly. Test their customer support by asking questions or seeking assistance during the evaluation process.

Environmental Considerations: If sustainability is important to your business, inquire about the vendor’s commitment to eco-friendly practices. Some vendors offer energy-efficient equipment and recycling programs for old devices, which can align with your environmental goals.

Contract Review: Before finalizing your decision, carefully review any contracts or agreements presented by the vendor. Ensure that all terms, pricing, and service commitments are clearly stated and meet your expectations.

Trust Your Instincts: Ultimately, trust your instincts when choosing a copier and printer vendor. Consider how comfortable you feel working with them and whether they genuinely understand your business needs.

Finding a reputable local copier and printer dealership/vendor requires diligent research and evaluation. By following these steps and considering both your immediate and long-term requirements, you can make an informed decision that benefits your business in the long run. Remember that a reputable vendor can not only provide quality equipment but also contribute to the efficiency and productivity of your office operations.


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