Automated Business Technologies now offers Managed IT Services.  Our team will review and test any updates prior to launch into your environment.  As issues appear, our team will resolve the issues and typically release the patch, or in some cases stall the update, quickly.  In most cases, your team will not experience downtime, or issue. 

Don’t just consider the hardware or the software, but  think about your access and data too.  For some larger Denver-based businesses the incorporation of an IT team, or at the very least an IT person, is no problem. 

We’ve all been there, accidentally clicking a seemingly innocent link, empowering our computer for air born flight, geographically displacing our mobile devices or deleting something we intended to save. User error was cited as the number one cause of data loss in a 2015 Databarracks survey. Backup is important in ensuring these mistakes don’t turn into serious problems.