
Why does my business still need a fax machine? | FAQ

In a world dominated by digital communication, fax machines may appear outdated. However, many businesses continue to rely on them for a wide variety of reasons. In this blog post (that we know you’ve been waiting for!), we will explore the key advantages of fax machines and why they are still relevant in today’s business landscape.

Why does my business still need a fax machine?

Meeting Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

Certain industries, such as healthcare and legal sectors, have specific regulations that mandate the use of fax machines for transmitting sensitive and confidential documents. Faxing provides a secure and traceable method, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory obligations.

Ensuring Security and Authentication:

Fax machines utilize dedicated phone lines, offering a more secure communication channel compared to email or online sharing platforms. The transmission process is less susceptible to hacking and cyber threats, making it an ideal choice for transmitting confidential information.

Compatibility and Reliability:

Faxing remains a reliable mode of communication, particularly when interacting with organizations that haven’t fully embraced digital processes. Many businesses, especially larger or older establishments, still prefer receiving documents in fax format, ensuring compatibility and ease of use.

Verifying Signatures:

Fax machines enable the transmission of signed documents, with the faxed copy serving as proof of identity and document integrity. This feature is invaluable for legal and contractual purposes that require physical signatures.

Accessibility for All:

Fax machines continue to play a vital role for individuals or businesses with limited access to digital technology, such as those in rural areas or regions with infrastructure constraints. Faxing ensures inclusive communication that caters to a wide range of users.


Habit and Tradition

Businesses often stick to fax machines due to established workflows and familiarity with the process. Changing systems and practices can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, making the continued use of fax machines a convenient option.

Although fax machines may appear antiquated, they still offer distinct advantages for businesses. From meeting legal requirements to ensuring security, compatibility, and accessibility, fax machines have retained their relevance. Additionally, digital fax services have emerged as a modern alternative, allowing faxing through email or online platforms. Ultimately, businesses should assess their specific needs, explore digital alternatives, and determine if faxing is still an efficient and necessary communication method for their unique circumstances.

What are the best fax machine manufacturers?


Hewlett-Packard (HP) offers a range of fax machines known for their reliability and user-friendly features. They have models designed for both home and office use, with options for wireless connectivity and multifunction capabilities.


Epson is well-known for its printers and imaging devices. While they don’t have as extensive a lineup of standalone fax machines, their multifunction printers often include fax capabilities. Epson devices are generally regarded for their high-quality prints and advanced features.


Canon offers a variety of fax machines that cater to different needs, from small office environments to large enterprises. Canon’s fax machines are recognized for their efficiency, speed, and excellent image quality. They often come equipped with additional features such as scanning and copying functionalities.


Kyocera is primarily known for its printers and multifunction devices. While their lineup of dedicated fax machines may be limited, their multifunction printers often include fax functionality. Kyocera devices are known for their durability and cost-effective operation.



Xerox is a well-established brand in the printing industry. They offer fax machines with advanced features such as high-speed transmission, secure faxing options, and large paper capacities. Xerox devices are often favored for their reliability and robust performance.

To find the most up-to-date information on the best fax machines from these brands, I recommend talking with one of our team members to go over options, customer reviews, technology publications, and your general office need.

What are the general compliance requirements around fax machine usage?

Compliance requirements around fax machine usage can vary depending on the industry and the country in which the business operates. Here are some general compliance considerations related to fax machine usage:

  1. Data Protection and Privacy:

When transmitting sensitive or personal data via fax, businesses need to ensure compliance with data protection and privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. This includes implementing appropriate security measures to protect the data during transmission and ensuring proper consent and authorization for data sharing.

  1. Confidentiality:

Fax transmissions often involve the exchange of confidential information. Businesses should have policies and procedures in place to safeguard the confidentiality of faxed documents, including secure handling, storage, and disposal of faxed materials to prevent unauthorized access.

  1. Retention and Record-Keeping:

Depending on the industry and jurisdiction, businesses may be required to retain faxed documents for a certain period of time. Compliance regulations often dictate specific record-keeping requirements, including the duration of retention and the proper archiving of faxed communications.

  1. Consent and Opt-Out:

In some cases, businesses may need to obtain consent from individuals before sending faxes, especially for marketing or promotional purposes. Compliance regulations may also require providing recipients with an option to opt-out of receiving future fax communications.

  1. Electronic Signatures:

If faxed documents include legally binding signatures, businesses should ensure compliance with electronic signature regulations and authentication methods, such as the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN Act) in the United States or the eIDAS Regulation in the European Union.

  1. International Faxing:

If faxing documents across international borders, businesses should be aware of any specific compliance requirements or restrictions imposed by the destination country. This includes understanding local data protection laws, regulations on cross-border data transfers, and any additional consent requirements.

It’s important for businesses to consult with legal professionals or compliance experts to understand the specific regulations and requirements applicable to their industry and region. Compliance obligations can change over time, so it’s crucial to stay informed and regularly review and update compliance practices related to fax machine usage.

Do all printers and copiers come with fax?

No, not all printers and copiers come with fax capabilities. While many multifunction printers (MFPs) combine printing, scanning, copying, and faxing functionalities in a single device, not all models include faxing capabilities.

The availability of fax functionality typically depends on the specific model and brand of the printer or copier. Some MFPs are designed specifically for small or home office use and may exclude fax capabilities to reduce costs or streamline features. On the other hand, higher-end or enterprise-grade MFPs often include fax functionality as an integral part of their feature set.

When purchasing a printer or copier, it’s important to check the product specifications or consult with the manufacturer to determine whether it includes fax capabilities. If faxing is a requirement, look for models that explicitly mention faxing as one of their features. Additionally, there are standalone fax machines available that can be connected to a printer or copier if faxing is needed but not included in the primary device.

As technology advances, the demand for faxing has diminished, and many businesses and individuals have transitioned to digital alternatives for document transmission. This has resulted in a reduced emphasis on fax functionality in newer printer and copier models.

Do MFPs store faxes and how can you maintain data security in an office place?

Multifunction printers (MFPs) with fax capabilities may store received and sent faxes temporarily in their internal memory or hard drive. The duration of storage can vary depending on the specific MFP model and its settings. However, it’s important to note that storing sensitive or confidential information on MFPs can pose security risks if not managed properly.

To maintain data security in an office environment, especially concerning faxed documents, consider the following measures:

  • Encryption: Ensure that the MFP’s hard drive or internal memory is encrypted. This helps protect stored fax data from unauthorized access in case of theft or unauthorized access to the device.
  • User Authentication: Implement user authentication mechanisms such as PIN codes or login credentials to control access to the MFP and restrict unauthorized individuals from accessing faxed documents stored in its memory.
  • Secure Erasure: Regularly delete stored fax data from the MFP’s memory or hard drive. Some MFP models offer secure erasure features that overwrite the stored data multiple times to make it unrecoverable.
  • Data Retention Policies: Establish policies and guidelines for how long faxed documents should be retained in the MFP’s memory or hard drive. Align these policies with legal and regulatory requirements and ensure timely deletion of outdated or unnecessary fax data.
  • Network Security: Secure the MFP’s network connection to prevent unauthorized access or interception of faxed documents during transmission. Implement security protocols such as Wi-Fi encryption, firewall protection, and regular firmware updates to mitigate vulnerabilities.
  • Secure Disposal: When disposing of an MFP or returning it at the end of its lifecycle, ensure that all stored fax data is securely erased from its memory or hard drive. Some MFP manufacturers provide guidance or services for secure disposal.
  • User Awareness and Training: Educate office staff about data security best practices, including proper handling and disposal of faxed documents. Raise awareness about the importance of protecting sensitive information and following established security protocols.
  • Document Management Systems: Consider integrating the MFP with a document management system that allows for secure storage, organization, and retrieval of faxed documents. This can provide additional security and control over access to stored faxes.

It’s crucial to review the documentation and security features provided by the MFP manufacturer and consult with IT professionals or security experts to ensure proper configuration and adherence to data security practices specific to your office environment.

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