Post Date: January 2020
Preparing your Business for Kari’s Law – What you need to know
On February 16, 2020, new regulations, Keri’s Law and Sect 506 of Ray Baum’s Act, take effect nationally and your business’s compliance is mandatory. Meaning, if your enterprise business is found non-compliant there could be numerous negative implications. We’ve compiled information to help you and your business move toward compliance to prepare your business for Keri’s Law.
The Backstory – Kari Hunt Dunn
Kari’s Law, like many laws, was born in response to tragedy. In 2013, Kari Hunt and her 9-year-old daughter were in a hotel room when they were confronted by Kari’s estranged husband. Throughout the attack, Kari’s young daughter attempted not once, but multiple times to reach out via the 9-1-1 protocol, as all children are instructed to do to get help in an emergency.
Unfortunately, she hadn’t been taught to “dial out” of the hotel’s MLTS (multi-line telephone system) by dialing 9 first. Kari was murdered that night despite her daughter’s best efforts.
Kari’s father, Hank Hunt, has tirelessly worked since that night to ensure this type of tragedy never happens again. Collaborating with Congress, emergency officials, and businesses alike, Kari’s Law Act of 2017 in coordination with Ray Baum’s Act (described below) will be enforced beginning on Feb 16, 2020.

What is Section 506 of Ray Baum’s Act?
Kari’s Law has been packaged with Section 506 of Ray Baum’s Act, which requires establishments and businesses like yours to provide accurate location information or the “dispatchable location” of the emergency call origination. Enhanced requirements may require that you also dispatch the number the call is being placed from, as well as more specific information to include the floor and office number.
As a business owner, this ensures the safety and security of your guest and employees in that as a 9-1-1 Emergency call is placed, the MLTS directs the first responders to the exact location of the incident based on the IP of the VoIP phone and additionally requires that your security office or Head of IT is also alerted.
As an educator, this means that emergency services are directed to the exact classroom or office of an incident or medical emergency saving the first responders valuable minutes and eliminating confusion. Additionally, in some cases units like the Crexendo phone systems capture chat and communications records for post-incident review.

What types of businesses are affected by Kari’s Law and Sect 506 of Ray Baum’s Act?
Essentially, any business with more than one phone, more than one office, any more than a handful of employees is affected by the changes. Any enterprise environment in the United States (hotels, hospitals, office campuses, schools, and government and municipal offices) will be required to participate.
In some cases, the integration of these services can also be a part of your emergency incident plans.
Upgrading your overall business systems for 2020
Business system solutions have evolved in such a way that upgrading your legacy phone, IP, and office systems to comply with new requirements isn’t quite the undertaking it once was. Many systems are now PCI and HIPPA compliant as well as registered CLEC maintaining strict FCC standards.
Finding a solution with low or no upfront capital expense means your business, school, or facility can incorporate the latest compliant technologies with a limited budget impact.
When purchasing multi-unit phone systems, many solutions come pre-configured and “talk ready” equating to less time investment from you or your IT team.
Schedule a free risk assessment with our team for your business today.