In truth, I’m a little surprised that it took this long for the copier and printer industry to start adding a little pizazz to the entire process. Who says that office equipment needs to be boring.
White here, pristine there. You can personalize your phone down to the tiniest detail, your office furniture, your brand…why shouldn’t you be able to make your office equipment a little more interesting.
I see this being highly valuable especially in offices that are extremely visible to the public. Anywhere where flair and function are completely appreciated.
Why you ask? Let me introduce you (if you haven’t already met) to the HP Laser Jet Managed MFP E800 and E700 series. They’re known as the gemstones.
4 Reasons why Your Office needs HP Laser Jet Managed Gemstones
Reason number One why you need an HP E800/E900 series in your office.

First things first, (we’ll get to functionality in a moment) they’re so much more interesting than any other device you have had in your office. As the type of person who admittedly looks at the color of a vehicle as an equally important feature to the engine, I can tell you, I appreciate the flair.
The HP Gemstones can be modified (at least the front panels) to yellow, olive, sapphire, ruby, plum or grey. Just take a moment to appreciate the simple touches that make your office just a little more interesting (seriously, a lot more interesting)!
As the in-house Director of Marketing, I know that branding matters. It matters to me enough to change the color of the interior decorating to match the brand all the way down to the coffee cups.
While we have a few customers who like to come to the office Demo Room to see how each brand and model of printer or copier performs, businesses like yours that have a steady stream of clients walking through the door, may find the value of the detail touches important enough. Seriously, I love them.
Second reason why you should love the new HP Laser Jet Managed MFP’s.
Your modern workspace needs modern speed.
- 70ppm (pages per minute)
- Faster OCR (optical character recognition)
- 17x the computing power
- With a Gigaton 80c
These are all great features to be sure, but have you heard about…

Number 3 on our list of reasons to love the HP Laser Jet Managed MFP E800/E700 Series
Reverse and retry technology. Have you ever had a paper jam? Silly question. Of course, you have, everyone has. Reverse and retry technology is HP’s answer to letting the device take care of the problem. Finally, a device that has a little bit of self-awareness.
The HP Laser Jet will literally try to solve the paper jam by reversing the document, out then back in, and out and back in, three times!! That’s huge. 8 out of 10 paper jams can be solved with this little feature. Think of the up and to the printer steps you’ll be cutting out.

Which leads us to…reason number 4 that we love the HP LaserJet Managed Devices.
Document editing straight from the screen. Right there, where you already are. You can redact, blackout, highlight. Easy as pie. The time savings is really what it’s all about. Because, by the time you’ve added the print job to the printer, the last thing you want to do is run back to your desk to adjust any edits that you missed.
If you haven’t taken time to demo the new line, reach out today and dream of all the gemstones in your office tonight.