Is Your Business a Target for Cyberattacks

Cyberattacks can happen on any device at any given time, so how do you know which devices to protect your clients on? Well, to understand this, it will help to understand where these attacks come from.

Cyber Security Mitigation and Management: Safeguard Your Business Today

In an interconnected world, the security of your business is non-negotiable. The evolving landscape of cyber threats demands a proactive approach to protect your operations, data, and reputation. Welcome to our Cyber Security Mitigation and Management solution—a comprehensive shield against the digital dangers that can disrupt your business.

Our Expertise, Your Defense

At Automated Business Technologies Managed IT Services, we specialize in safeguarding businesses like yours from the ever-evolving array of cyber threats. Our team of seasoned cyber security professionals understands the nuances of the modern threat landscape, and we're dedicated to ensuring that your business remains resilient in the face of potential attacks.

Tailored Protection for Your Unique Needs

We recognize that every business is distinct, with its own set of challenges and vulnerabilities. That's why our approach starts with a thorough assessment of your current security posture. This assessment provides a deep understanding of your risks and forms the foundation for a customized mitigation strategy that aligns with your specific needs.

Comprehensive Mitigation at Every Level

From phishing attacks to ransomware incidents, our Cyber Security Mitigation and Management solution covers a wide spectrum of threats. Our multi-layered defense strategy combines cutting-edge technology, robust policies and procedures, and ongoing employee training to create a formidable barrier against cyberattacks.

Continuous Monitoring and Rapid Response

Hackers never rest, and neither do we. Our 24/7 monitoring ensures that any suspicious activity is detected in real-time. In the event of an incident, our rapid response team swiftly takes action to contain the threat, minimize damage, and get your business back on track.

Empowerment Through Awareness

We believe that an educated team is your first line of defense. Our solution includes comprehensive employee training that equips your staff to recognize and respond to potential threats. This creates a culture of cyber awareness that reinforces your organization's security from the inside out.

Peace of Mind, Guaranteed

With our Cyber Security Mitigation and Management solution, you're not just investing in technology—you're investing in peace of mind. You can focus on driving your business forward, confident that your digital assets are safeguarded by a team of experts dedicated to your security.

Take the First Step

Don't leave your business vulnerable to the relentless tide of cyber threats. Take control of your security today with our proven Cyber Security Mitigation and Management solution. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation and embark on a journey to fortify your business against the digital risks of tomorrow. Your business deserves nothing less than the best protection.


SMBs Account for Over 60% of all Attacks

  • 69% of SMBs have not identified and documented cybersecurity threats
  • 43% do not have a recovery plan in the event of a cybersecurity incident
  • 57% have not informed or trained all users on cybersecurity
  • 48% have not analyzed cybersecurity attack targets and methods

1. Understand the Risk - Your business doesn't need to be high profile to to be a target. Cybercriminals are busy hatching schemes to infiltrate your devices with their malware, taking you down via your business email compromise attack (BEC) to steal your valuable data (customer data too!). Don't let that happen. That's a cost you really can't afford to take on.

2. Take Responsibility - You can't beat them with your head in the sand. Read up on the latest cyber threats and learn how easy it is for your SMB to be a victim. Take the challenge head on. Make a plan to put your security on watch, and bring in professionals to help you manage it.

3. Assess Weakness - As the saying goes, you won't know until you know. Meeting with a security expert can thoroughly discover and diagnose structural weaknesses. Prioritize protecting your business form cybercrime and make the effort to undergo a cybersecurity evaluation to identify vulnerabilities.

Gone are the days of having the whole team in the office. Mobile workers - and Work-From-Home employees are playing an important role in operations and you need them empowered with the right technical tools to drive productivity for their (and your) success. Not only do you want to provide quality IT Support, you'll want to defend your entire business from common cloud computing risks and cyber threats.

  • Mobile Devices: Multi device environments are becoming a greater challenge daily. Protect and monitor smartphones, tablets and laptops and effectively manage mobile devices.
  • Remote Access: While away, you want your team to access your network easily and securely.
  • Identity Authentication: There's a reason why authentication is all around you. It's easy for a bad actor to impersonate you or your employees. Keep them out with identity authentication management.
  • The Company Cloud: Sure, it's handy, but storing and transmitting data in the cloud opens up another opportunity for hackers.
  • Cloud-Based Apps: Does your team meet and collaborate in Microsoft 365 or the G-Suite? It does make life easier, but easier isn't necessarily secure.


Why Partner with a Managed Services Provider (MSP) for Security Solutions?

Now that you're seeing how many intrusion entry points there are, it's impossible to unsee them. When you're ready to make security your priority, it's time to bring in the professionals.

There's never been a better time to incorporate top-tier security consultants who are centralized around one common goal; Keeping your data secure. Let industry insiders protect your business with an all-encompassing approach to cybersecurity that will help you avoid being the victim of an attack.

  • Comprehensive Cybersecurity: Receive the benefit of layered security solutions that protect your business from every angle and prepare for future challenges.
  • Ongoing 24x7x365 Monitoring & Support: The security experts take the late calls and stand guard around the clock identifying suspicious behavior, providing around the clock monitoring.
  • Future-Oriented Business Planning: We will assess the cybersecurity threats in front of you and evolve your strategy for emerging threats yet to come.
  • Protection for Cloud-Based Suites: Our team protects yours, with a watchful eye over Microsoft 365 apps, including SharePoint and OneDrive.

How ABT Can Help your Business

  • Get Your High-Level Security Assessment: Are you wondering what information of yours might be on the dark web? Let us provide you with the detailed picture of your cybersecurity health and exposure.
  • Get Your Custom Cybersecurity Report: Quickly following the security assessment, we will create a detailed report on your vulnerability, and roadmap a plan and process to keep you safe.
  • Action Plans that are Industry Specific: With you, we'll create an action plan that will secure your organization and it's technology. Monitoring threats on all managed devices, servers and firewall are all included.
  • Compliance IT Solutions: Once the security gaps are closed, we support you with compliance guidelines and make sure your data remains out of harm's way. Maintaining your compliance is always easier with security analysts are on your team.